Fr., 25.11.2022 - 18:00 Uhr
19:00 Uhr
Ben Burbridge: Extracorporeal Images
Ben Burbridge: Kunsthistoriker und Kurator, University of Sussex
Im Rahmen der Ausstellung IMAGE CAPITAL
In englischer Sprache:
What are the relationships between the representational content of images and the political, economic and technological systems within which images participate? What can appearances tell us about systems, infrastructure and labour? What can systems, infrastructure and labour tell us about appearances? This talk will explore these questions in relation to recent projects by artists including the Cercle d'Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise, Ed Fornieles, and Andrew Norman Wilson.
Teilnahme kostenfrei mit Teilnahmesticker, der ab einer Stunde vor Beginn an der Kasse erhältlich ist.
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