

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker Némo

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
Némo Flouret
Rosas, Forêt, Louvre Paris
© Foto: Anne Van Aerschot

17. Aug 2024
08. Sep 2024

Y – Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker (Rosas)

A work commissioned by the Ruhrtriennale in co-production with Museum Folkwang
Suffo Moncloa Gucci/The Face, 2021 © Suffo Studio

Suffo Moncloa
Gucci/The Face, 2021
Inkjet print, 118 x 86 cm
© Suffo Studio

13. Sep 2024
12. Jan 2025

Grow it, show it!

A look at hair from Diane Arbus to TikTok