
ATO 720p mp4, 20152018, 83’35’’

This work ATO 720p mp4 was created by a number of anonymous videographers who shared their amateur smartphone footage on social media. The footage was then edited by an anonymous film editor (or a collective). All of the documentation of the war in eastern Ukraine was produced between 2014 and 2018 by civilians on site. There are no television graphics, no sensational talking heads, no prophecies by experts. Only amateur video recordings of war, which are edited in 29 chapters, such as The Oath, The Forgiveness, The Military Equipment, The Captive, The Show and others. Amidst the “war of preemption” that the Russian Federation legitimizes with its televised content, and the regulated visual regime in Ukraine, the statement is particularly relevant.


Anonymous, ATO 720p mp4, 2015 - 2018, 83’35’’