The Museum Folkwang is an art museum.
In the city of Essen.
Karl Ernst Osthaus founded the museum.
That was about 120 years ago.
Karl Ernst Osthaus named the museum: Folkwang.
The name Folkwang comes from a collection of songs.
The songs are about
• Heroes.
• Gods.
The songs are from the land of Iceland.
The songs are over 800 years old.
The name Folkwang means:
People's Hall.
These were important thoughts of Karl Ernst Osthaus.
• Art has always existed.
But every era has a different art.
The art of today is different
than the art of 1000 years ago.
Or 200 years ago.
Or from today.
• Kunst Art is made by artists.
An artist is someone
who is particularly good at something
and has a lot of imagination.
Imagination means:
Being able to think up something new.
Imagination is a special quality in people.
• Artists want to show their art.
That is why the museum exists.
A museum is a house for art.
So that other people can look at the art.
Today the Museum Folkwang is famous.
All over the world.
The museum is open to everyone
In the museum people can look at art
In the museum people can
talk to other people about art
In the museum people can learn about art.