Sat, 18.11.2023 - 15:00

Lecture by Annette Vowinckel: Die Neuordnung der Bilder. Pressefotografie in NRW der 1950er Jahre

Accompanying the exhibition, Annette Vowinckel from the Leibniz Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam examines the history of press photography of the 1950s and their protest iconographies. As a historian, she studies the various agents in photographic image production, which are also evident in the objects of the Girardet Photo Archive in the Museum Folkwang.

Participation free of charge. Lecture in German language.

Fotograf:in unbekannt, Girardet-Archiv: Protestkundgebung der Industriegewerkschaft Metall, Frankfurt a.M., 1951

Photographer Unknown
Girardet-Archiv: Protest Rally of the Industrial Trade Union Metall
Frankfurt a.M., 1951
Girardet-Archiv, Dauerleihgabe der Ruhr-Universität Bochum seit 1989