18. Oct 2019
24. Nov 2019

The Animate Object

On the Spirit of Design

This exhibition brings together objects, visualisations and conceptual works by teachers and students from the Folkwang University of the Arts. It pursues the question of whether and how concepts of a “modern” artistic and aesthetic education and training (as formulated from 1919 on at the Bauhaus, for example) are of significance or interest to today’s teachers and students. In this context, the term “animate” unifies various approaches to, and aspects of, design, as well as, ultimately, the speculative search for the soul or essence of objects.

Folkwang University of the Arts in cooperation with the Museum Folkwang

Logo Folkwang – Universität der Künste

Part of „Aufbrüche“ – 100 Jahre VHS Essen (‘Departures’ – 100 Years of the Essen Volkshochschule)

Logokombination Stadt Essen / 100 Jahre VHS Essen – Aufbrüche

Supported by

Logokombination Kulturstiftung Essen / Sparkasse Essen / Historischer Verein für Stadt und Stift Essen e.V.
Dan Geffert, Haeckel-Maschine, 2018

Dan Geffert
Haeckel-Maschine, 2018