Antje Dorn
For Antje Dorn, formed realities in its range of manifestations is the starting point for her art. She has a special liking for diverse "stuff", the world of products, drinks packaging, cars or chocolate bars, as well as systems of imagery and lettering in public space such as pictograms and direction signs. Antje Dorn takes up these things and transforms them into drawings, paintings, photographs or three-dimensional objects.
The binding element in all her work is the principle of series, beginning with the painting series Ölölöl from 1984, which presented isolated objects from toast to stadiums in the form of real or fictive pictograms, to her most recent photo series – Pupille, from 2009, which shows greatly schematized dummy cameras in 24 shots.
The exhibition presents Antje Dorn’s central work groups and thus provides, for the first time, a complete overview of her art. For the exhibition, an artist book is published by Edition Folkwang / Steidl (28 Euro at Museum Folkwang).
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