16. Apr 2011
26. Jun 2011

Being There

Photographs by Jürgen Heinemann and Tobias Zielony

The photographer Jürgen Heinemann (*1934) himself calls his black and white photographs a pictorial compression of existential questions. After studying under Otto Steinert in Saarbrücken and Essen, he travelled extensively throughout the world. In the 1960s and 70s he photographed the major themes of work, family, children and faith with a humanitarian gesture. Apart from that, he worked for church aid organisations. Social injustice and local political problems form the focus of his work.

Together with Heinemann’s work, photographs by Tobias Zielony (*1973) are also being shown. His series Ha Neu and Chemnitz were made in 2002 and 2003 in the surroundings of Halle and Chemnitz. Both cities are characterized by emigration, poverty and unemployment. Residents' environs seem gloomy at first glance and the humans abandoned to their fate. Young people meet with the gestures of a global pop culture under the artificial light of streetlights in their own world. Tobias Zielony explores the everyday life of these youths. He photographs the very unique atmosphere of these nightly meetings and portrays the enraptured faces of young adults under artificial light.

With the exhibition a catalogue is being published by Edition Folkwang / Steidl

Guest Curator: Sandra Starke