12. Nov 2011
22. Jan 2012

konkret / abstrakt

Photographic Acquisitions
supported by the Alfried Krupp
von Bohlen und Halbach – Stiftung

Since 1979 the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach – Stiftung has supported the Fotografische Sammlung in the acquisition of important photographic portfolios. With the title konkret/abstrakt, the museum is showing a selection of these works which today belong to the cornerstones of the collection. Experimental photography by Otto Steinert are shown with works from his collection – by Albert Renger-Patzsch and Daniel Masclet. Laszlo Moholy-Nagy’s fotogrammes transform light into abstract compositions of impressive tonal depth. The exhibition shows camera-less photography in dialogue with works by Lotte Jacobi and Monika von Boch. August Sander, in his monumental project Antlitz der Zeit, provided the image of an age through concrete individual portraits. Sander’s democratic starting point contrasts with an intellectual elite in the photographs of the portfolio Menschen der Zeit.