28. Oct 2016
08. Jan 2017

Nam June Paik Award 2016

International Media Art Award of the Arts Foundation of North Rhine-Westphalia

For the eighth time running, the Arts Foundation of NRW will announce the winner of its Media Art Award (international), and its Newcomer Award (NRW).

The exhibition features the nominees’ works, which reveal a particular relationship to the work of the pioneer of media art, Nam June Paik. In addition, 2014 prize-winner Manuel Graf will present a work made possible by the prize money.

Winner of the International Nam June Paik Award 2016 is Lawrence Abu Hamdan (Beirut / London).

Winner of the National Nam June Paik Award 2016 are Walter Zurborg & Tamaik Watanabe (Goldenstedt).

Logo Kunststiftung NRW

Further information here: namjunepaikaward.org

CVs of the nominees …

Nam June Paik Award 2016