07. Jun 2019
25. Aug 2019

Nancy Spero

Nancy Spero (1926–2009) is one of the most significant figures in post-war American art. She engages in a complex way with existential aspects of what it means to be human. War and violence play a role in her work, as do injustices in gender relations. Female figures are her most important expressive means, with Spero taking up traditional image types and re-combining them. The exterior form of many of her works is also unusual. Spero makes use of long strips of paper which she paints, collages, and prints with self-made figurative stamps. Ten years after her death, Museum Folkwang is presenting a large-scale survey exhibition dedicated to this fascinating artist, with around 80 works, including works on paper, paintings, and installations.

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Nancy Spero, P.E.A.C.E., Heliopter, Mother + Childeren, 1968

Nancy Spero
P.E.A.C.E., Heliopter, Mother + Childeren, 1968

Nancy Spero, Exhibition view Museum Folkwang 2019 with Maypole (Detail), 2008

Nancy Spero, Exhibition view Museum Folkwang 2019 with Maypole (Detail), 2008, Photo: Jens Nober