29. Dec 2017
14. Jan 2018

Niklaus Troxler

Jazz’n’more – Plakate

Niklaus Troxler (b. 1947) is known primarily for his jazz posters. These were initially produced for the festival he organised in the Swiss town of Willisau, but he was soon in demand to provide images for the entire (free jazz) scene. His work is generally powerful and unmistakeable – and that in spite of constant variations in form, colour, and typography.

Funded by

Logo Pro Helvetia, Schweizer Kulturstiftung
Niklaus Troxler, Jazz'n'more, 2017

Niklaus Troxler, Jazz'n'more, 2017
Layout: Niklaus Troxler
Animation: nhb Studios Düsseldorf, Music Andreas Schaerer,
Concept: Martin Breuer