23. Jan 2015
17. May 2015

Otobong Nkanga

Tracing Confessions

Where do the objects in the museum come from? What stories do they tell? Which identities do they carry with them, and which identities do they shape? With these questions in mind, the artist Otobong Nkanga will create a two-part project for the Museum Folkwang, making use of objects from the collection. As part of the Kunststiftung NRW’s project 25/25/25, she will first invite the members of staff of Museum Folkwang to be photographed with selected pieces from the museum’s collection. In January, these photographs will be printed as posters and distributed throughout the city – allowing the museum to connect with local residents in their everyday lives. An installation designed specifically for the Museum will illuminate the stories shared between the objects and people.

In cooperation with the Kunststiftung NRW as part of “Project 25/25/25”

Please find an extended text here …