02. Oct 2015
10. Jan 2016

The Shadow of the Avant-Garde

Rousseau and the Forgotten Masters

Works by self-taught, non-academic artists are usually referred to as ‘naïve’ or ‘outsider art’ and are conventionally viewed as a distinct category, separate from modern art. But in terms of their power and intensity, these works often rival the great modernist masterpieces. In this major exhibition, the Museum Folkwang presents for the first time the works of such artists as Henri Rousseau, André Bauchant, Séraphine Louis, Martín Ramírez, and Bill Traylor alongside seminal works of modern and contemporary art by Honoré Daumier, Paul Gauguin, Pablo Picasso, and, more recently, Blinky Palermo and Mike Kelley. The show has been curated by Kasper König and Falk Wolf.

Further information here …

Jointly funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation and the Cultural Foundation of the German States as well as the Ministry for Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung, Kulturstiftung Essen and the Terra Art Foundation for American Art.
Supported by RWE.

With west:Ticket you can book your admission tickets online. Further information here …

Mobility Partner

BahnCard holders will be admitted to the show for the price of 7 Euro instead of 8 Euro upon presentation of their BahnCard.

Plan your visit to Museum Folkwang with our Mobility Partner here …

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