Museum Folkwang shows comprehensive exhibition of photographer and video artist Tobias Zielony

With The Fall, Museum Folkwang is presenting the first major overview exhibition of the work of Tobias Zielony (June 25—September 26, 2021). Zielony stands in a long lineage of artistic photography. His visual world is seen as paving the way for a younger generation. Few photographers have observed developments in society and the media as keenly and translated these into a contemporary visual language as he has. His work The Citizen, on the topic of migration, was shown in the German Pavilion at the 2015 Venice Biennial and viewed by a broad international public. The largest presentation of his photographs and video works to date offers a comprehensive insight into Zielony's work of the last 20 years.


Tobias Zielony
Snakepool, 2020
Inkjet-Print, 120 x 80 cm
Courtesy KOW, Berlin