05. May 2023
25. Jun 2023


Intertwined Conditions / 3

A scaffolding spans the exhibition space. The installation Intertwined Conditions / 3 by Katarína Dubovská (*1989 in Ružomberok, Slovakia) pushes away from the walls and defines the space in all directions. The construction forms the simultaneously static and permeable frame for objects that are placed as if randomly scattered around the room: canisters of different coloured liquids, paper objects that resemble boulders and screens that, accompanied by technoid sounds, show processes of crushing, tearing and editing haptic and digital visual material. Intertwined Conditions / 3 seems to be in process and, through its fragmentary nature, becomes an inventory of our present, in which categories are constantly changing and intertwined conditions mean that nothing has a fixed state.

Katarína Dubovská deals with the effects of the visual and material flood of images in the digital age and translates them into the sculptural. On the basis of her personal image archive, she negotiates ecological questions about sustainability and circulating resources. Within her post-photographic practice, she acts as a researcher when experimenting with different processes of material dissolution of image material, breaking it down again into its individual parts by recycling it and creating plastic forms or luminous liquids out of it. The objects are the result of a performative dialogue between the artist and the material, which creates new fluid categories and focuses on the intertwining of people and the environment.

Supported by

Logo Stiftung der Sparda-Bank West
Katarína Dubovská, Cluster #4393 (Detail), 2020

Katarína Dubovská
Cluster #4393 (Detail), 2020

Katarína Dubovská, Intertwined Conditions / 1 (Detail), 2020

Katarína Dubovská
Intertwined Conditions / 1 (Detail), 2020
Multimediale Installation mit Clustern aus verdichteten Bildfragmenten, Wasserbehältnissen mit gelösten Drucktinten von Bilderzeugnissen, hybrider Transferdruck, Sauerstoffschläuche, Videoclips mit Sound, Rohspanplatten mit Wandfarbe, Gerüstmodule
Dimension variabel
