In 2022 Museum Folkwang in Essen will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of its foundation – with international exhibitions and an extensive special programme

In 2022, Museum Folkwang will be celebrating its centenary at its site in Essen. The jubilee programme is defined by the history, present, and future of the museum and its role in the city. Celebrations will take the form of exhibitions and events that focus on the main areas of the collection such as Impressionism, Expressionism, photography, and posters, and the urban society. Founded in 1902 in Hagen by Karl Ernst Osthaus and subsequently opened in 1922 as Museum Folkwang in Essen the museum is one of the most important art museums in Germany with an international reputation. To this day, the museum’s objectives are influenced by the Osthaus’ commitment to art, cultural inclusion, and dialogue between the cultures.


Exterior view Museum Folkwang
Photo: Sebastian Drüen

Claude Monet
Sur le batteau (Jeune filles en barque), 1887
On the boat (Young Girls in Row Boat)
Oil on canvas, 145,5 x 133.5 cm
The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Matsukata Collection