Symposium „New Landscapes – NFTs and the Museum“ at Museum Folkwang

On 20, 21 and 22 April 2023, on the occasion of the exhibition Rafaël Rozendaal. Color, Code, Communication, a symposium on NFTs and digital art will take place at the Museum Folkwang. International representatives from art and science as well as curators will meet in Essen to discuss new collecting strategies and curatorial concepts in the digital realm.

The  symposium aims at a critical examination of NFTs, blockchain and new technologies. The subject of the conference will be generative artworks in analogue and digital space, as well as the ethics and dynamics of DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations). How do museums deal with these new technologies and what can they mean for the future of museums? These pressing and highly topical questions will be discussed in the context of Rafaël Rozendaal's NFT exhibition (21 April – 20 August, 2023).

Other topics will include the utopia and dystopia of blockchain, provenance research, and new collecting strategies. Guests will include Christiane Paul (Whitney Museum), Annet Dekker (University of Amsterdam), Domenico Quaranta (Accademia di Belle Arti, Brera), and Harm van den Dorpel (media artist, Berlin). Tristan Littlejohn, founder of TrillionaireFlex, will guide the conference together with Mathilde Heitmann-Taillefer and Thomas Seelig.

The aim of the symposium is to give scientists and representatives of the Web3 community the opportunity for direct exchange. In addition, artists will give insights into their work in virtual studio visits. 

Participation is free of charge. Register by 16 April 2023 at The conference will be streamed online on the YouTube channel of the Museum Folkwang.

The symposium is supported by the Alfred and Cläre Pott Foundation.


Symposium New Landscapes – NFTs and the Museum
20./21./22. April 2023

Participation is free of charge. Registration until 16 April 2023 at
For the speakers and schedule, please see our calendar at




Rafaël Rozendaal
Slick Quick .com, 2014

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© Rafaël Rozendaal