Stan Douglas

Journey Into Fear, 2001

A man and a woman meet on a freighter in mysterious circumstances. It does not become clear why the two strike up a conversation and what they are talking about, what events they are referring to and who the other people they are talking about actually are. It is clear how unusual it is for Möller (Rob LaBelle), as a tally clerk, to be on board. Graham (Jill Teed) is a pilot and has come on board to manoeuver the freighter through the stormy seas on schedule. Möller attempts to force Graham to bring the freighter to port one day late using seductive flattery, bribes and threats, even death threats. The impact on the commodity futures trade would earn his customers $75 million. However, with each repetition we hear a different dialogue, even though parts of it sound familiar to us. How the two know each other, what has happened in the past and what they have in mind remains a matter of speculation. There is doubt even as to who Möller actually is. What he is doing there. Whether he is being reported to the authorities. Whether the fraud has been known about for a long time now. What kind of cargo is on board. What the label and the papers mean. Stan Douglas (b. 1960) leaves many questions unanswered.

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Stan Douglas, Journey Into Fear, 2001

Stan Douglas
Journey Into Fear, 2001
1 channel Video installation (colour, sound), 15‘22‘‘
Courtesy Sammlung Goetz, Medienkunst, München